共為你找到:200筆costco chips taiwan 相關企業資訊
DNV Energy is a leading professional service provider in safeguarding and improving business performance, assisting energy companies along the entire value chain from concept selection through exploration, production, transportation, refining and distribution. We have a firm base in DNV’s strong technological competencies, international experience and unique independence as a foundation. Our main service areas include asset risk management; qualification and verification, which are extensively utilized in both onshore and offshore oil gas sectors. Energy Taiwan is seeking to grow by at least 20% in terms of revenue and manning for next year, and have ambitious plan for the next 5 years.
Digital Frontier (Taiwan) 為Digital Frontier的台灣子公司. Digital Frontier 公司成立於2000年,總公司位於日本東京目黑區. 現有員工超過200人. 另外擁有全亞洲最大最先進的動捕工作室. 主要業務為電影,遊戲動畫等相關製作. Digital Frontier 以高畫質,高品質電影,遊戲動畫聞名業界並有許多聞名的代表作品. 電影方面有: Gantz, 死亡筆記, 夏日大作戰, 蘋果核戰,Biohazard Degeneration 等 遊戲方面有: 白騎士物語, 鐵拳, 鬼武者, 如龍, 特工諜影4(Metal Gear Solid4),失落的奧德塞(Lost Odyssey)等. 如果您對從事參與電影, 遊戲相關大作有興趣.並希望您的名字能在電影院呈現在觀眾的眼前並對動畫遊戲充滿熱誠. 那我們歡迎您的加入,相信您將在我們公司找到歸屬感以及成就感.
GBS started as a trading company in 2003 to serve the semiconductor market in Singapore. Its earlier products were mainly precision machined parts from Korea which were fast becoming a commodity as the industry matured. In order to remain relevant in the marketplace, a better definition was made to our business strategy. Our goal is to create sustainable and differentiated value propositions to our customers by leveraging on our Partners’ core competencies, our network and developing local expertise in supporting the defined products and services. In line with the business strategy in moving up the value chain, we have set up a Heater Pedestal refurb facility in Singapore in 2009 under a licensing agreement with our US’s technology partner, Aceco Precision Manufacturing – a 5 times Intel (2005-2009) PQS Award winner. As part of our growth strategies; growing beyond Singapore and Semiconductor. An associated company, GBS (Taiwan) was incorporated in Hsinchu in 2009 to serve our customers in Taiwan and China. Leveraging on our Partners’ technologies meant for semiconductor manufacturing, new applications were developed in new market segments such in the Defense, LED and Solar manufacturing.
Container Trading / 2nd Hand Tire Trading / Freight Forwarding Korean Management Small Company / Wonderful Future Good Sky Taiwan Co.,Ltd
Jones Lang LaSalle Taiwan was founded in 2001 after a local property-consulting firm Investec (Taiwan), joined Jones Lang LaSalle to become Jones Lang LaSalle, Taiwan. Investec was established in 1980 and rose to become an industry leader, offering a broad range of real estate consulting services. Investec consulted for most of Taiwan’s major companies and conglomerates as well as many international firms. Now with the broad reach and extensive international experience of Jones Lang LaSalle, the Taiwan office is able to offer its clients more services as well as a truly global network to support their investments and operations.
NAI Taiwan美商地利富達不動產為美國NAI Global亞太地區之台灣分公司。 NAI Global成立於1978年,並成為全球第四大商用國際地產整合服務顧問公司(Lipsey’s Top 25 Real Estate Brands),結合全球超過8,000位商業不動產專業菁英,服務範圍涵蓋全球5大洲55國350個經濟市場,總管理資產面積超過2億平方呎(約562萬坪),每年成交營業額高達450億美金(1兆5千億台幣)。 NAI Taiwan美商地利富達不動產自2005進軍台灣,即整合台北地區超過800棟以上的商業及工業不動產的e化資料庫,並與NAI Global全球接軌,確保客戶掌握最新、最完整且最具競爭力的全球資源。歷年來,NAI Global評鑑為第四大最具影響力的全球商用國際地產整合服務公司,NAI Taiwan也在台灣市場漸漸嶄露頭角,在商用國際地產的領域具一定的市場佔有率。 NAI Taiwan傲人的績效,成交客戶:AIG、VISA、DBS、Prudential、BMW、Sabic、ATi、On-Semi、ABB、Cypress、ING、Alcatel、DHL....等。 NAI Taiwan目前擴大招募地產業界頂尖的團隊夥伴,現在的您有機會加入這個充滿挑戰並具國際願景的產業,如果您矢志成為地產業界的精英,並勇於向高成就及高薪挑戰,我們竭誠歡迎您的加入,共創在NAI Taiwan美商地利富達個人事業的新顛峰。
We are a small but fast growing technical Sales and Service organisation serving the Semiconductor, Photronics and Optoelectronics Industry in the Pacific region. It was founded in 1985 in Hong Kong. To enhance our operations in the Far East, we established branch offices in Taiwan and Singapore in the early 1990s. At the start of the new millennium, we also set up an office in Shanghai, to cope with our growth in Mainland China. Now the company has Service Centers in Hong Kong,Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and various cities (Shanghai, Suzhou, Tianjin and Shenzhen) in China. The company represents various leading equipment and material manufacturers in the Far East. Our customers include almost all Assembly Houses, Wafer Fabs, LCD manufacturers and major universities and research institutes in the territories we cover. We are looking for high-quality candidates to join our Taiwan team to grow the business together.
仕 有 電 梯 公 司 簡 介 2013/3/3 1=公司成立於1981年8月.成立至今30年. 統一編號12343831 公司:仕有實業有限公司..1981年成立.  http://www.taiwan-elevator.com/ E-mail:[email protected]  電話:02-2835-7569 FAX:02-2838-6056 2=內政部核准電梯專業廠商執照登記字號第843525號。 3=查詢網址: http://cpabm.cpami.gov.tw/ 4=營業範圍:各式各樣電梯安裝.試車.保養.整修.銷售.無機房電梯.電腦控制系統.群控電梯.貨梯.油壓梯.電扶梯.各種昇降設備.工程.各廠牌電梯零件及保養維修等等.承包超高樓台北101大樓+新光站前 電梯安裝整修工程。 6=中國大陸營業範圍:上海永大電梯經銷商.其他各廠牌電.梯零件買賣經銷。 7=現在資本額..1200萬.. 技術員..15人.平均技術年資17年。 8=技術員都有電梯檢查員..乙級.丙級電梯裝修技術執照。 9=公司本誠信.服務.專業.負責.經營。24小時/365天服務。 10=公司負責人:林麗雪.總經理..謝來欽。 11=中華民國電梯協會贊助會員。 12=中華民國升降設備檢查員協會會員。 13=服務電話..02-28357569.傳真02-28386056.業務負責:謝小姐0933623017 謝先生0933876598 16=有業務合作方案請來電商議。 各種客用電梯或梯合法電梯安中保養整修等等
台灣元美有限公司成立於1980年。 台灣元美從事電玩產業已有20多年的時間,創立之初從電玩木箱廠做起,進而從事整體機台的設計、研發與製造。 在台灣電玩產業的激烈競爭中,台灣元美的機台零組件用的都是台灣貨。 Made in Taiwan 是我們對產品品質的堅持與信心。由於對品質的要求與對客戶的信用與服務熱誠,台灣元美現今已是中部海線唯一一家成立超過20年的專業電玩機台製造業者。 台灣元美在近10年的時間大都以外銷市場為主,我們的客戶除了大陸、東南亞,在中南美洲的智利、薩爾瓦多、哥斯大黎加等地都有我們的產品遍佈,並且穩定成長中。
Wacom Company Ltd., (東京證交所編號 6727) 是總部設於日本的全球性公司,並在美國 (Wacom Technology Corporation)、德國 (Wacom Europe GmbH)、中國 (Wacom China Corporation)、韓國 (Wacom Korea Co., Ltd.)、澳洲 (Wacom Australia Pty, Ltd)、新加坡 (Wacom Singapore Pte. Ltd.) 和台灣 (Wacom Taiwan Information Co., Ltd.) 設有分公司。除了這些分公司外,Wacom 在世界超過 150 個國家中,還設有負責行銷與銷售的辦事處。Wacom 創立於 1983 年,公司的願景是透過自然的使用介面技術,讓人與科技更緊密連結,目前也已成為繪圖板、互動式感壓筆顯示幕和數位介面解決方案的領導性製造商。多年來,全世界民眾以 Wacom 技術進步的輸入裝置創作出最迷人的數位藝術、電影、特效、時尚與設計作品。此外,Wacom 也提供最先進的介面技術,讓商務與家用使用者充分發揮個人創作。數以百萬計的客戶都在使用我們無線、免電池的感壓筆科技。
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